5 Ways to Save Money When Buying Home Appliances

5 ways to save money when buying home appliances in Abensons Appliances, Ansons, and Automatic CentreWhenever I buy big-ticket items like home appliances in Abensons I make sure to get the best deal. I buy in Abensons because our home is near Market Market. Don’t worry because the things I will share with you are also applicable in Ansons, Automatic Centre, etc. I’m excited to share this with you so you can get the things you need at a cheaper price.

5 Wise Tips in Saving Money in Abensons Appliances

I learned most of these from my friends who are also good at handling money. That’s why I make it a point to surround myself with people I would like to become. Just like having mentors you look up in investing.

Here are the 5 tips in saving money when buying home appliances.

Know what you need

You might be looking for a replacement to some of your home appliances like a washing machine. But before heading to the nearest store you must identify first the functions you want in your new washer. Do you want it full automatic, front-load, top-load, inverter, etc? It can help you narrow down your choices and let go of some choices with unnecessary functions.

Compare prices and search online reviews

Go and search it on the internet. Most appliance retailers have websites and the best part is that prices are already included. Making it easy for you to check the price from one store to another. But before you decide on buying it you must also search for reviews. If the product has positive reviews then that’s the only time you should consider buying it.

Learn to haggle

Once you have your list of appliance models you like then you can now check it personally in their physical store like in Abensons Appliances. You will see two prices attached to the product i.e. regular price and straight payment price. But don’t be fooled yet to pay in straight cash without asking the salesman for an additional discount. Trust me, they can still lower the price. They are just waiting for you to ask them, of course, they are praying that you don’t.

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Know more about the warranty

Nowadays, appliances are not as sturdy as before. They are easily worn out and the last thing you would want is to see yourself buying another one just after a year or two. So don’t forget to ask them about the warranty and who you should call when it happens.

Ask for a FREE delivery

Some stores offer free delivery and some don’t. So don’t forget to ask them to make it free for you when they say they do it for a fee. They have already given you a discount for your straight payment transaction so they might as well give the delivery to you for free.

Final Thoughts:

Haggling for prices may be new to you but you can actually do this even if the store is inside the mall. You might be hesitant to try this but don’t let that keep you from getting the best deal for your appliance purchase. I hope this post can help you to be a wise shopper. Please let me know in the comment section if you have other tips 🙂


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