The Best Affordable Term Insurance in the Philippines

Sun Life term insurance plans

Term insurance is one of the best options for those who want protection but has a limited budget. It comes with a cheaper price tag because it only offers life insurance protection without cash value or fund value. Thus, term insurance can provide you with maximum protection for a minimal cost.

What is Term Insurance?

Just like any other insurance plan, it provides financial security when a household loses the breadwinner. The only difference is that the protection is only for a limited time. Life insurance coverage can be for 1, 5, or 10 years, and so on. Usually, it is renewable but for a new and higher premium based on attained age.

Here’s a short video that explains what is term insurance.

Definitions You Must Know

But before we dig deeper into the topic, you must familiarize yourself first with some standard terms. You’ll be seeing these throughout this post, which can help you understand the whole concept of term insurance.

  • Face Amount – is used to determine the death benefit and other benefits that your beneficiary can get from the plan.
  • Term – refers to the number of years that your premium stayed the same. (e.g., if you got a 5 years renewal term for Php 50,000 then it means you will have to pay Php 50,000 per year for the next 5 years)
  • Premium – is the amount you need to pay in exchange for life insurance protection.
  • Rider – is the additional coverage for accidents and critical illness.
  • Beneficiary – the elected individual or entity by the insured to receive the death benefit.
  • Renewable – the insured has the option to renew the plan after the term.
  • Convertible – a term insurance plan that is convertible into a VUL plan or a whole life insurance plan.

READ: Sun Maxilink Prime | The Best-Selling VUL Plan of Sun Life

5 Reasons Why Term Insurance is a Good Choice

term life insurance in the philippines

At this point, you might be unsure between a VUL or term insurance, right? That’s why I listed the reasons why buying term life insurance is more suitable for you. If you find a couple of reasons similar to your current situation, then you should get a term insurance plan.

So here are the reasons why term insurance is for you.

Newly Married Couples or Low-Income Earners

Insurance is a basic need that even a newly married couple should have to build a strong financial foundation. But it can become challenging with new financial obligations, i.e., house, utility bills, groceries, and so on. That makes term insurance a good option for them. The same goes for low-income earners because it is relatively cheaper.

READ: The Importance of Life Insurance to Every Filipino Family

Term Insurance as Mortgage Redemption Insurance (MRI)

MRI is a requirement by Pag-IBIG and banks before approving your housing loan. In term insurance, you designate the bank where you obtained your mortgage as the primary beneficiary. In the event of the debtor’s death, the insurance proceeds to pay off the remaining loan, with any surplus going to your heirs.

Did you ever wonder what will happen to your house without an MRI?

That’s right, the creditor may foreclose the property.

Having an MRI ensures that your family will still have a home to live in when you die. Of course, no one is hoping for that, but isn’t it better to be prepared?

Estate Preservation Tool (Estate Planning)

Leaving a fortune to your family can be tricky because of the estate tax your heirs need to settle to transfer the ownership of your estate. Previously, the estate tax was as high as 20% of the gross estate of a deceased person, but due to the current tax amendments, it is now down to a flat 6%.

Considering that all the properties of a deceased person are frozen, having a liquid fund to pay the estate tax will speed up the process. Insurance proceeds may not be subjected to the estate tax, thus making them liquid.

READ MORE: Term Life Insurance | Best Tool for Estate Planning

Extend Life Insurance Coverage

Anyone who wishes to add life coverage on top of their existing life coverage can get term life insurance for a minimal cost. People in business often opt to buy multiple-term insurance to multiply their wealth. It is an excellent way to increase coverage while they don’t have the budget yet to buy whole life insurance.

It can also be converted to whole life insurance (and VUL) at any time without proof of insurability.

Buy Term Invest the Difference (BTID)

If you are a BTID advocate/follower, then buying term insurance is for you. BTID followers like to have their insurance and investment plans separated from each other. The benefit of having an investment separated from your insurance is that you’ll have more money to invest in a mutual fund, UITF, stocks, forex, etc. Thus, it will speed up the process of wealth accumulation if it’s done right.

READ MORE: The Ups and Downs of Riding the BTID Bandwagon

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Get Term Insurance

term life insurance in the philippines

Now, we’ll have to discuss the reasons why term insurance is not for you. So if you can relate to a couple of things below, then you may consider getting another type of insurance.

So here are the reasons why term insurance is not for you.

No Cash Value or Fund Value

The premium you pay for term insurance is just enough to cover the insurance charge, and after the term, let’s say 5 years, you won’t receive anything even a single cent. So if you are looking for something that will return even a small portion of your money, then term insurance is not for you.

Increasing Cost of Life Insurance

The premium of term insurance increases after the term. This cycle continues every time you renew your insurance coverage.

If you don’t like this setup, you might want to reconsider your options.

Grace Period is Only 31 Days

Term insurance has no cash value or fund value. It will be terminated if not paid within the grace period of 31 days. A grace period is a period given by an insurance company to give their clients more time to settle the premium. If not paid, the policy will lapse.

If you want insurance with cash value/fund value, then you may want to consider purchasing a VUL plan instead. You can read more about Sun Maxilink Prime by following the link below.

READ MORE: Sun Maxilink Prime | 3 Easy Steps to Secure Your Future

Sun Life Term Insurance Plans

Sun Life has the most available term insurance plans in the Philippines. Thus, gives you more options.

So here are Sun Life’s term life insurance plans.

  1. Sun Safer Life
  2. Sun LifeAssure
  3. The Sun Maiden
  4. Sun Maiden Plus

Sun Safer Life (5 YRCT)

Sun Safer Life

It is a 5 years renewable term insurance from Sun Life that provides guaranteed life coverage equivalent to twice the face amount until age 75. It automatically renews every 5 years until age 74 without any proof of insurability.

Eligibility: 18-64 years old
Minimum Coverage: Php 2 Million
Riders Attachable: Waiver of Premiums (TDB) and Accidental Death Benefit (ADB)
Paying Options: Yearly | Semi-Annually | Quarterly
Convertibility: is convertible into an endowment, whole life plans, and VUL up to age 65

Sun Safer Life Sample Quotation

The best way to understand the table above is through an example. So let’s say you are a 35-year-old female and non-smoker, then looking at the table, your estimated annual premium is Php 10,910.

Annual Premium: Php 10,910
Semi-Annually:      Php 5,782.30
Quarterly:              Php 3,000.25
Monthly:                 Php 1,018.23

Pay it annually if you have the budget because you’ll save more money in return. It is a total of 12% worth of savings compared to paying it monthly.

Sun Safer Life Benefits

Here are the benefits you get from Sun Safer Life.

  • Death Benefit – is equal to Php 2 Million. Your family will receive it when you die. They can use this money to continue with their lives and achieve the dreams you have for them.
  • Waiver of Premium – is an additional benefit attached to the plan. It will keep your policy in force when you become totally and permanently disabled.
  • Accidental Death Benefit – is an additional amount that is equal to Php 1 Million that your beneficiary will get if you die due to an accident—giving your family a total of Php 3 Million.

If you want a personalized quotation or a fun personal discussion, which I recommend, then you may click [HERE].

Sun LifeAssure (5 YRCT)

Sun Life Assure

Sun LifeAssure is a 5 years renewable term that pays the face amount when the insured dies or when diagnosed with a critical illness, whichever comes first. It is renewable until age 59 without evidence of insurability. This term insurance plan automatically renews every 5 years with a higher premium based on the newly attained age.

Eligibility: 18-60 years old
Minimum Face Amount: Php 500,000
Maximum Face Amount: Php 15 Million
Riders Attachable: Waiver of Premiums (TDB) and Accidental Death Benefit (ADB)
Paying Options: Yearly | Semi-Annually | Quarterly
Convertibility: NOT convertible

Sun LifeAssure Sample Quotation

Let’s say you are 35 years old, female, and a non-smoker. Then looking at the table, the estimated annual premium is only Php 10,650.

Annual Premium: Php 10,650
Semi-Annually:      Php 5,644.5
Quarterly:              Php 2,928.75
Monthly:                Php 993.96

Sun LifeAssure Benefits

Here are the benefits you get from Sun LifeAssure.

  • Death Benefit – your beneficiary will be entitled to receive Php 1 Million pesos when you die. An amount they can use to continue living the dreams you have for them.
  • Critical Illness Benefit – you will receive Php 1 Million if you get diagnosed or treated for any of the 36 covered critical illnesses. Something that can help you get the treatment you need.
  • Waiver of Premium – it will keep your plan in force when you become totally and permanently disabled.
  • Accidental Death Benefit – is an additional amount which is equal to Php 1 Million. Your beneficiary will get if you die due to an accident—giving your family a total of Php 2 Million.

Get a FREE quotation? Click [HERE].

Sun Maiden (5 YRCT | Female Specific Critical Illness)

Sun Maiden Plus

A 5 years renewable term insurance specially designed for women. It gives financial assistance when you get diagnosed or treated due to any female-specific critical illnesses. You can get up to 5 FREE diagnostic and preventive procedures within the first 10 years of the policy. It can be availed once per year after the first policy anniversary.

Eligibility: 18-55 years old (Sun Maiden) & 18-45 (Sun Maiden PLUS)
Minimum Face Amount: Php 500,000
Maximum Face Amount: Php 2 Million
Riders: TDB, ADB, Critical Illness Benefit (CIB)
Paying Options: Yearly | Semi-Annually | Quarterly
Convertibility: NOT convertible

5 Diagnostic and Preventive Procedures

Get 5 FREE diagnostics or preventive procedures during the first 10 years of your plan.

  • CA 125 (Ovarian Cancer)
  • Pap Smear
  • Pelvic Ultrasound
  • Breast Ultrasound
  • Mammography

Female Specific Critical Illnesses

  1. Cancer of the Breast, Cervix Uteri, Uterus, Ovary, Fallopian Tube, or Vagina or Carcinoma-in-situ of the Uterine Corpus, Ovary, Fallopian Tube, or Vagina must undergo the required operation.
  2. Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
  3. Rheumatoid Arthritis
  4. Severe Osteoporosis
  5. Hysterectomy or Dilation and Cutterage
  6. Major Plastic Surgery due to Accidents
  7. Skin Transplantation due to accidental Burning

Sun Maiden Plus

You will receive an additional maternity benefit which is equal to 2% of the face amount for every child delivered, up to three (3) claims. You can avail of this after the 1-year waiting period.

Inquire NOW!

It’s not just about the plan—it’s about you. That’s why we’re offering a FREE financial planning session via Zoom or in person to discuss this plan. We’ll address all your concerns, tailor the plan to your needs, and make sure the plan aligns with your goals. Best of all, it’s absolutely free and comes with no obligation. Inquire NOW!

58 thoughts on “The Best Affordable Term Insurance in the Philippines

  1. Hi Federico, i am sufffering from CKD and undergoing regular dialysis, can i still get a term insurance?

    1. Hi Ramuel. CKD is renal disease, right. It’s already considered a minor critical illness itself. However, you may try to apply after a successful kidney transplant. I do hope you are doing good. Thanks 🙂

  2. Hello po, thank you for this. I just want to ask if insurable pa po ba kung 46 y/o na? Non smoker, female. Thanks a lot.

  3. Hello Sir Federico! if I get Sun Lifeassure and i reached 70yo. and healthy ano pong mangyayari sa mga hinulog ko? since Sun Lifeassure pay til 70yo. and covered 70yo. only

    1. Hi Lovelyn. As mentioned, it’s term insurance. Thus, it’s cheap. You will “not” get anything if you survived the plan. If you want to receive maturity or similar, you may consider getting a VUL plan like Sun Maxilink Prime or a whole life plan like Sun Smarter Life. Of course, this comes with a reasonable price.

      Don’t get me wrong. Term insurance is also a good plan. And just my personal take, if you survived the plan, you must be happy right? You are still healthy and did not use it early. Just giving you a different perspective.

      I hope it helps. Thanks 🙂

  4. Hello Sir. Thank you for this very useful information.
    QUESTION lang po sa example niyo dito regarding Sun LifeAssure (1M Life Insurance): Minimum Face Amount is Php 500,000 and the Maximum Face Amount naman is Php 15 Million — ibig sabihin po ba, pwedeng as low as 500K (and as high as 15M) yung makukuha ng Beneficiaries upon Death of the Insured? Ano po bale yung basis kung bakit Min. or Max Face Value yung makukuhang benefits? Thanks in advance po. 🙂

    1. Hi Jon. The face amount is a fixed amount wherein the life insurance coverage is computed. With Sun LifeAssure, the face amount is equal to the life insurance coverage. It means that you can get a plan ranging from Php500k to Php15M. I hope it helped you. Thanks 🙂

  5. Hi Federico! I am an OFW and planning to get a life insurance for me, my wife and if possible also the kids ( maybe kids will b educational instead) but I saw in some comments here that OFW’s cannot avail the term insurance. is VUL the only option for us OFWs if we want to get a life insurance? because I am planning to get a separate mutual funds because I think the investment part of VUL is much lower than what I want for my investment.

    1. Hi Alex. There are several plans you may consider getting from Sun Life, like VUL plans, endowment plans, and whole life plans. I agree investment fund in VUL plan is lower because it is still an insurance plan per se. Getting a mutual fund is also an excellent option to grow your money instead.

      READ: Sun Life Endowment Plan | Get Regular Stream of Income for Life

      READ: Sun Fit and Well | 114 Critical Illnesses Covered

      Based on our insurance guidelines, term insurance is automatically declined for OFWs. It might root from the high termination (lapsation) rate of term insurance from OFWs. If your plan lapsed before filing a claim, then we will not pay the claim to you or your family. We simply don’t want that. We know you don’t want it, too, right?

      We want you to have full protection, just like our promise to our clients, we will be your lifetime partners.

  6. Hi Federico! What will happen if after the end of the term and nothing happens to me or I didn’t get any of the benefits?

    1. Hi Viclyn. After the term, 5 years, the plan will auto-renew to a new and higher premium based on attained age. It will continue until something happens to you or if you wish to end the plan. Thanks 🙂

    1. Hi Eman. No, it will not be canceled outright but future claims while working overseas will be automatically declined. However, if your term insurance is convertible to VUL or other plans then you may consider to convert it to keep your insurance. I hope it helped you. Thanks 🙂

      1. Hi Aimee. I want to surrender my VUL (6 months old), it has less health coverage that’s why I want to switch to term health insurance that may have better coverage at the same time cheaper than VUL. I just want to ask for any term health insurance recommendations that fit for a seafarer like me.

        1. Hi Aimee. It’s unfortunate to know that you are not satisfied with your current plan. However, term insurance is not available for OFWs and seafarer based on our guidelines. Maybe that’s the reason why your insurance advisor recommended a VUL plan instead. And I strongly recommend having it discussed with your advisor so both of you can revisit why your advisor suggested the plan you have now.

          If you are currently on board, I suggest keeping your plan in force until you get a replacement.

          You may also consider getting whole life insurance like Sun Fit and Well. I’ll put the link below for your reference.

          READ: Sun Fit and Well | 114 Critical Illnesses Covered

          I hope it helped you. Thanks 🙂

  7. Hi Derico,
    I’m currently here in KSA and wanted to get some insurance once I come home. Just want to ask which is better from these two, Sun Safer Life (5YRCT) or Sun LifeAssure (5 YRCT).
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Tony. Are you planning to stay in the country for good? If not, it’s sad to say but we don’t offer term insurance for OFWs. You may want to consider getting other tradional plan or VUL plan. Thanks 🙂

  8. I’m interested to get a term life with health insurance for me. I am interested on the 15 year term which is the maximum.

    1. Hi Omar. Sadly, we only have 5 years of renewable term life insurance from Sun Life. Just let us know if you’re interested. Thank you 🙂

  9. Im an OFW in Abu Dhabi, 39 yo. im interested with Sunlife Maxi Prime. How can I avail? Is it possible even im outside philippines? im willing to submit all requirements.

    1. Hi Aloha. Good to know that you’re really into getting a life insurance plan. However, documents must be personally signed. It would be my pleasure meeting you in the future to assess your needs and discuss your options. Thanks 🙂

  10. Hello Federico! OFW here, im returning home and staying for good. question lang po, does applying for insurance needs credit check? i want to avail term insurance as soon as i get home, just wondering kung kailangan pa ba ng credit check cause definitely hindi ako papasa because i dont have work paguwi. Thank you

    1. Hi Christine. You can declare naman na galing sa savings yung payment. If you want assistance. Please let me know. Thanks!

    1. Hi Kat. Please kindly fill out the form. As you can see, the info will be used to remotely assess your needs. Thanks!

  11. Hi Sir my mom is 60 year old, non smoker, what is the best insurance for her? And the cheapest since we only have a limited budget. Thanks

    1. Hi Christine. If you’re looking for the cheapest life insurance then term is your best choice BUT this is not a guarantee that your mom will be insured. Due to age and current health condition she may be issued a plan with a higher premium. Much of this is best discussed in person. You can meet an advisor to help you out with this. Thanks!

  12. My mother is 61 y/o, what’s the best and most cost-efficient life insurance plan for her you can offer?

  13. Hi,
    This article is very helpful, thanks. I want to receive a quote for a term insurance for my parents; mom (61) dad (60).
    Your response will be much appreciated.


    1. Hi Ms. Nesh. You may still apply for a Sun SaferLife but due to age, you may be subjected to medical test/s deemed necessary by our underwriters. I’ll send an email please kindly reply to it. Thanks!

  14. I am planning to get an insurance but i don’t have any idea yet on how to start and which is good for me..please give me some details about it…

    1. Hi Ben. There’s a lot of materials on the internet please kindly search it out or my blog. I have blog posts about that. Better if you can allocate time for a sit-down discussion about it. Thanks!

  15. Hi,

    I am browsing on Insurance plans for my mother and little brother and I’m considering on getting policies thru Sun Life. Can you help me through it?

      1. Hi Federico! I would like to know how much will be my annual premium for a sun safer life insurance (for a 2million coverage)? I’m 56 years old, female, and non- smoker. Thank you and more power

  16. Hello,if an ofw wants to availed insurance, it’s possible through online transactions or need personal appearances? Thanks in advance

    1. Hi Jhen. Need ng personal appearance too see if insurable siya at a glance. Pero you may still be required to submit yourself to medical tests na need ni Sun Life. Thanks!

  17. Is it possible to get a term insurance for an individual aged 70+ years? If so, can i get a sample computation for 5 years and 10nyears.

    1. Hi Ann. Thanks for dropping by. You may browse our articles about it. I’ll also get in touch with you by email. Thanks!

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