The Promise of a Sun Life Financial Advisor

Jayvee Lazaro Badile II with his death claim processed in less than two hours

If you are reading this, then I guess you already have an insurance policy or currently looking for one. Everyone, of course, is in search of the best deal in life insurance. Most will correlate the word best deal to a cheaper price tag.  But for me, when it comes to life insurance best deal means that I can get my money when I need it, or let’s say my family can claim the benefits when I’m gone.

Here’s a story of how fast the death claim was processed, and I believe everyone would like to experience the same when claiming benefits.

Death Claim: Delivering Our Promise

Today, I delivered the promise to its client. I processed a Death Claim in less than two hours.

2:23 PM – I handed the requirements to the Claims Department. (1) Valid IDs, (2) Death Certificate and (3) Claimant’s Statement
3:29 PM – The claim has been approved.
4:21 PM – The full amount of insurance and investment, tax-free was handed to me.

Thanks to the Claims Department for your speedy and warm accommodation. This is my first time to process a Death Claim. I didn’t expect that it would be this easy and hassle-free.

Nothing can ease the pain of grief and lamentation when someone important to you passed away. Life insurance is a final show of love for the bereaved family.

Tomorrow, I will deliver the check to the beneficiary. I still can’t believe I’m doing this.

Final Thoughts

While it’s very alluring to get a cheap life insurance plan for your future needs, you might also want to consider if they are providing a positive client experience. As they say in insurance, good life insurance is not cheap, and a cheap plan is not usually good. If you are buying a life insurance protection, then why not get it from a reputable company that can provide you what’s promised.

If you are looking for something that can secure the future of your loved ones while growing your money over time, then a VUL plan is for you. You may ask for a personal discussion or a FREE proposal by clicking the link below.


8 thoughts on “The Promise of a Sun Life Financial Advisor

  1. Hi Federico. Please give an option quote for life insurance for me and my husband. which is better to recommend. Thanks

    1. Hi Jackie. I think this is best discussed in person. There are materials and illustrations we will be showing you. Thus, sending many proposals will not be as helpful than professional advise being given personally. Btw, I have sent an email. Let’s talk about this more. Thank you 🙂

  2. I don’t think this is true.
    I have my own insurance policy from Sunlife. Actually, I got 2. My mom gave me one and I also got one (for investment daw kase).

    So after a couple of months, I usually have tonsillitis so my EENT doctor advised me to undergo tonsillectomy.

    The policyholder entitles this so-called HIB Hospitalization benefit whatsoever — which you can claim the daily allowance for your hospitalization for at least 3 days.

    So when I was about to claim such benefit, they asked me to provide for documents, so I emailed it to them.

    After months of waiting, they gave me an email asking for more documents which require the very same details that I have previously send them. I was so disappointed and didn’t push through with the claim. It was like claiming and begging for something which is rightful to me.

    1. Hi Janine. Your experience with claiming with us is very unfortunate and Sun Life wouldn’t want you to feel that way. With regard to the post, it is a true to life story and the claim was released in less than 2 hours.

      I think you might have forgotten to include other documents for the claim. It is also good to note that your claim might be contestible in nature given the that you just got sick a couple of months after the approval of your insurance.

      You can also ask for the assistance of your agent to expedite the claim on your behalf.

      Sun Life is very fast in issuing claim provided that the plan must be more than 2 years and the claim is not more than Php 3 Million. Thanks 🙂

  3. Hi,

    I am interested in getting a life insurance for myself and a College Plan for my now 5 year old daughter. Can you please send me all the details that i need to know.
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Novee Ann. Are you just around Manila? This is best discussed in person. If you don’t have time you may kindly browse my homepage for financial products that we offer. All the things you need to know are already there. Just let me know if you have questions or if I could be of help for you. Thanks

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